Most people decide that they want to work with babies and small children because they love children. That cannot be faulted as a starting point. At Montessori Casa International we build on it by giving our students a complete understanding of the way children grow and develop, and the confidence, expertise and professionalism to provide them with the very best. We consider excellence in training to be essential to a career that involves the education and the well being of our future generations.
Our teaching maintains a careful balance between practical and theory to enable our newly-qualified
Montessori teachers and nursery nurses to begin their working life with full confidence in their professional skills. Graduates from our courses invariably find they can choose from a broad spectrum of career opportunities. Childcare is one of the fastest growing areas of employment in the USA and overseas. There is a constant demand for professionally-trained Montessori teachers and nursery nurses to work in a wide variety of child-care environments which include private nursery schools, local authority schools and nurseries, child-care centres and family homes. Working with young children is challenging and demanding but also uniquely fulfilling and rewarding. Every new child is different and fascinating, which is why few careers can offer such long-term satisfaction and variety. Loving children is where we start and where we finish.